Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The other side

I (Nathan) grew up in much of the same context. Being a kid was great, and I think sometimes that has continued right on into our marriage. Gloria and I have been so close to each other through these years that we have been told that we are closer than most couples. My teen years were spent most of the time in thought... not that I was a day dreamer, but when allowed that was one of my favorite pass times. I have a poetic heart and so on the contrary to Gloria, I enjoy writing. Like Gloria said in the first post, we want to be transparent. Being transparent will hopefully allow us to heal though the hard times and hopefully come out on the other side alive. I think Gloria and I struggle with many things and some people are fairly quick to point them out. But those are some of the things that will probably be written here as well. Back to the growing up years...... one of my goals (especially in high school) was to get married. Some want to go to college, or have a specific career, first I wanted to get married and then move on to sharing life with that person. I was so fortunate to meet a smoking hot girl, who share some of the same passions as I did, and we were in many other ways opposites. There was a very passionate love that we shared, it has grown deeper, much much deeper. It kind of reminds me of a discussion I had in a group yesterday... one guy said "Love is like a tree, fidelity is the roots, and the feelings and passion are the fruits." That is what Gloria and I have been fortunate to have. I am so glad that the roots are deep! And that we have support from other peoples 'trees' to support ours. When the time came that we found out that we were going to have a baby, I was thrilled! I wanted nothing more than to make my gorgeous wife into a mother. Several weeks went by and we were so happy. And then we found out there were problems, followed by our little guy leaving. Some people were helpful in the grieving process, but there are a bunch who are not. We want people to care, and pray. But then do it. I was frustrated when people said they would pray and bring a meal. That would have been awesome. The only ones who brought a meal was our parents. I don't know who all kept us in their prayers but I know for sure there were a lot of tears. We still hurt. We long for people to just understand by not probing or preaching. We will open up when it's time and if we feel that we can trust. But not an ounce before then. Jesus is where I have taken so much of my pain. I am in a process as well and there will be more thoughts on that. But I rely on Him for my needs. I have an amazing wife and we are so close, thank you Gloria. We will keep walking this road, not alone.


  1. Hi, I just want you two to know that I really am praying for healing, strength, and god-willing one day a family for you. Thank-you so much for the delicious meal that you delivered to us!

  2. Oh you are more than welcome....it's so encouraging to hear that prayers are going both ways. We also know that sometimes in order to be reached, we must be the ones to reach out.

  3. Hi Nathan and Gloria,
    I just wanted you know that I am following your blog. I don't get to talk to you often but through Gloria's postings on Facebook I have often remembered you in my prayers. I have always appreciated you both and will continue remember you in my talks with God! Hugs.
