Thursday, October 22, 2009

Falling in Love (Nathan)

Falling in love was a dream come true. I believe that Gloria and I are together for a reason and not just by chance.

I have never really dated anyone before Gloria, I had a bunch of friends that were girls and we hung out a lot. But never anything official. I had some very good friends and we did have some one on one time and maybe some would call that a date, but I wouldn't. And I had never kissed a girl.

The day I met Gloria was a day that was like many others. Me and a friend were hanging out and we went to go meet one of her friends that worked at Thornview. Gloria was wearing her work uniform and her hair was long and curly (down to the middle of her back). She wasn't wearing any makeup, and she was very pretty. We exchanged the regular "Hey" and shook hands. Her hands were small and delicate, especially for being a farm girl. This happened in the summer.

Come fall, I found out that Gloria was also attending the same youth group I was. The Glencross church was not my home church but because the church was so close and I had a ton of friends there; that's where I went. Gloria and I for some odd reason connected well, on a good friend basis. I was surprised, because she was a beautiful girl and knew how to dress. I'm positive that if she would have been in public school she would have been in the popular crowd. Still she and I became best of friends. We confided in each other, keeping each other accountable and talking about many things from boy/girl friends to God stuff. Just to keep people guessing, Gloria and I loved to flirt. We had so much fun flirting. I helped her put on her jacket (the gorgeous bomber jacket), helped her with her truck, and put my arm around her. Even our first date was for fun. Too bad I never got a kiss out of that (lol). Like I mentioned, we were the best of friends and I never thought of Gloria as more than my best friend.

That is when it hit me, how stunning she was. It was like a Wednesday or Thursday evening, I think, and I get a call from Gloria. She begins to inform me that one of her close friends backed out of going to this ceremony and she wanted to have some close people there! Her parents happened to be working that evening so she was pretty much alone. I asked if anyone else was going and she said there would be another girl going and I thought there couldn't be much better than dressing up and going to a party with a couple of girls. Gloria pulls up to the house in her pick up truck and she tells me she wants me to drive. Her dress was getting in the way. She steps out and POW... she is drop dead gorgeous. I didn't even know if anyone else existed. She wore a beautiful open backed princess dress. We drove to Winnipeg and she was stunning. I was so proud of her finishing college, there were a lot of picture that the other girl and I took pictures of. After the ceremony there was supposed to be a reception that the college was putting on. We were disgusted. They had bite sized sandwichthssss (Honey that one is for you). We wanted a good meal to enjoy. So we went outside and decided to take some grad pictures. The other girl took them and we posed. As we found out later when my parents saw those pictures they knew we'd get together. After an array of beautiful shots we all went for supper at the Olive Garden. We had lots of laughs and filled our bellies. To have a little more fun we decided to drive down to Coreydon ave and walk around there for a bit. The walk was eventful and we had so much fun. We ended up dancing under the stars and wow! The drive home was filled with singing and laughing and holding hands. I was ecstatic and loved the way Gloria makes me feel.

What a night!

Followed by many days of being twitterpated. I was starry eyed and walked with my feet off the ground. It even came to the point where I braved asking my best friend to court me. Lucky for me she gave me a chance. It all happened one cold and rainy weekend when Gloria needed a ride home from a music festival. I gladly drove to pick her up and we went for a couple of hot chocolates. We were talking and she squeesed it out of me that I had romantic feelings for her. Which was promptly followed by her giving me a book to fend me off. Over the weekend I waited for her answer and she sought council from God and respected people. Like I said it was meant to be.

The dates/courtship/engagement I'll leave for Gloria to express. I've probably written too much already... lol oh well.

Gloria is my passion so that is what I'm best at writing about. :) Lucky me.

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