Friday, November 20, 2009

Odd Dr. (Nathan)

I found the new gyne to be a bit weird, to say the least. He always looked a bit like a clown with the weird hair and he looked a bit frazzled. But he seemed to know what he was talking about. We went to see him a couple of times and I don't quite remember what was all said, but he was always to the point. In no time at all, or so it seemed, he wanted to cauterize the endo in Gloria. This some how didn't strike me as something normal to do but he was insistent that this would help. I remember after the surgery that it took Gloria a lot longer to recover and it hurt more than the first time. The first surgery, Gloria was hungry right after leaving the hospital. This time she hardly felt well enough to eat. But we waited and hoped it would help. I can remember at this time I felt guilty for leaving Gloria at home to fend for herself as I went off to work. I had Gloria's family and my family help in what ever way they could. I think Lavina even stayed a couple of days. I knew I couldn't do it all on my own. I came home for lunches to help and did everything in my power to make it right. I realize now, that for many years Gloria and I have been in survival mode. Working hard to accomplish our goals and dreams. This mode has continued for many years. We buckle down, and I encourage Gloria and we keep going. But as of recently, I have been finding we are having to fight less and working together more. We are changing, that or our survival techniques are changing. But either way, I found out that I need to change some of my ways of thinking, some of my thought patterns. I need to remember to keep encouraging, I need to keep being romantic, and keep on the ball or it will fall. It's when we least expect it that something tries to ruin what we have. I think I have forgotten some of this. I want to be a better husband and strive to make my wife feel desired, cared for, and deeply and truly loved. I am trying hard to find out how to do this. Not to become lazy in marriage and to keep Gloria on her toes, not sure how I will surprise her next with a bundle of my love. So I think I will go now and find some ways to to this. :)

1 comment:

  1. yes we have been in survival's hard to learn a new way of life
